Krzysztof Hrynczenko's Dev Diary

My little place where I write about things that interest me.

Rust for Rustaceans #4: Error Handling in Rust

Posted on August 25, 2022

Error Handling

This chapter as the title suggests focuses on errors. We will go through different topics like how to represent errors with some less ordinary approaches while later on, we will focus on handling the aforementioned errors. What is important is that this chapter focuses on fundamental mechanisms without diving into more opinionated ways of error handling represented by different 3rd-party crates. This is because the rust community has yet to settle on how to deal with errors in a uniform way.

I am not sure I completely agree with that. It seems that most crates either use barebones std way of doing things, i.e., implementing Error on their own and propagating errors using dyn Error values or they use 3rd party crates like anyhow and thiserror in particular. But there are other attempts like eyre.

Representing Errors

How we represent errors should be decided by looking at what the clients will most likely do when such an error is encountered.

There are two main ways of representing errors now either through a sum-type aka enum or through erasure. Erasure in this context I believe means type-erasure which means that the exact type is hidden behind a trait as a trait object.

This means we can either enumerate possible error conditions for the caller and let them decide what to do since they can distinguish between them or we can just go with a single opaque error hidden behind a trait. Opaque here means that we cannot "see" the exact details of what happened as they are obscured.

A lot of fancy words here for saying that when you have multiple error conditions that user might want to distinguish between you want to use enum, and if you have no such concerns or there is only one possible error use a type like struct DivisionByZeroError and probably hide it behind a trait.


Enumeration ought to be used when the user has/wants to distinguish between different error conditions. Jon gives as an example a method similar to std::io::copy for which we provide two streams as arguments. One to read from, one to write to.

pub fn copy<R: ?Sized, W: ?Sized>(reader: &mut R, writer: &mut W)
    -> ???
    R: Read,
    W: Write

We would like to be able to distinguish between which stream has failed and we certainly can expect that the clients of this method would like to do that as well. We could create an enumeration like the below.

pub enum CopyError {

Actually I find it funny that the std::io::copy does not provide a way to distinguish between which stream caused the problem. It only returns std::io::Error, for which neither variant gives information about which stream has failed.

Making your own error type

In order for the user-defined error type to play nicely with the Rust ecosystem we need to do three things first (maybe four).

The first thing is to implement std::error::Error trait that provides methods for error introspection. The main method of interest is Error::source which provides a way to find the underlying cause of the error. This is used to print a backtrace that displays a trace all the way back to the error's root cause.

The second is to implement Debug and Display traits so that the callers can meaningfully print the error. Debug and Display is required by Error traits, so actually we need to implement first Debug and Display.

pub trait Error: Debug + Display {
    // ...

Jon suggests that Display implementation should provide a one-line description of what went badly that can be easily ingested into other error messages. Also, the Display format should be all lower-case and without trailing punctuation.

Debug should be more descriptive containing all the information that might help in tracking the root cause of the problem.

Third thing is to implement both Sync and Send for your error types so they can be shared across thread boundaries.

At last, Jon says that error types should be 'static, i.e., they should not contain non 'static references which might cause issues when propagating errors since we will be popping the error down the stack. Also in order to use Error::downcast_ref the underlying type must be 'static.

enum CopyError {

impl Display for CopyError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
        match self {
            CopyError::ReaderError(ioerror) => {
                f.write_str(&format!("reader failed {}", ioerror))
            CopyError::WriterError(ioerror) => {
                f.write_str(&format!("writer failed {}", ioerror))

impl std::error::Error for CopyError {
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
        match self {
            CopyError::ReaderError(e) => Some(e),
            CopyError::WriterError(e) => Some(e),

Opaque Errors

Opaque errors can be used when the information on what is the cause of the problem cannot meaningfully help the client recover from the problem. In that case, you can even return something like a Box<dyn Error + Send + Synd + 'static> just so the user can bubble the error further to log it for example.

What are the benefits of type-erased errors?

  • Errors from different sources can be easily combined (we don't need to convert anything because we return errors behind a trait), ? operator will work on everything in that case without having to resort to conversion.
  • It might happen that even though the user does not care about most possible errors that might be returned by a function, they might care about a single one out of many. In such situation, they can easily use Error::downcast_ref to check the underlying type of the error. IMPORTANT: If our error type is not 'static we remove that ability to downcast from the user.

Jon then discusses whether typed-erased errors are part of public and stable API. There is no consensus but Jon says that if your API returns Box<dyn Error ...>, then it does so for a reason and you should not rely on downcast_ref.

In essence it means that you can use Error::downcast_ref but you probably shouldn't.

Special Error Cases

Jon states that one should not use Result<T, ()> interchangeably with Option<T> as they have different meanings. While Result<T, ()> means that the function failed in the case of Err(()), Option<T> means that functions simply have nothing to return.

  • Err(()) must probably be logged, handled exceptionally etc.,
  • None might not be something that must be necesarilly handled.

Hmm? If I call a head method on a list and it returns None I have to handle it even though it is not exceptional I guess. I think there is a wording dynamic at play. When None is returned from the head method even though we most usually are going to handle it, it isn't something unexpected. Rather just one of possible outcomes. When Err is returned it means that something really went wrong and we must do something. That is why Result<T, E> has [must_use], and Option<T> does not. A better example would be popping out of a Vector. You might not care if there is something inside the vector to pop so you can disregard the None.

For special functions that never return since they run in infinite loop, for example, there is a special never type !. It represents a value that cannot ever be generated.

fn infinite_loop() -> Result<(), !> {
    loop {

Finally, there is a special std::thread:::Result type which does not type-erase to dyn Error but to dyn Any. The reason is that the Err variant of that type is produced only in response to a panic, as panic can return Any. This happens if you try to join a thread that has panicked.

Propagating errors

? does call Into::into on the unwrapped value.

Simplified version looks like this.

match propagated_result {
    Ok(v) => v,
    Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),

This is how try! macro expands.

fn fail() -> Result<(), ()> {

// macro expanded
fn fail() -> Result<(), ()> {
    match Err(()) {
        ::core::result::Result::Ok(val) => val,
        ::core::result::Result::Err(err) => {
            return ::core::result::Result::Err(::core::convert::From::from(err));

This is why returning Box<dyn Error> is so appeling because we don't need to provide implementations of From.

Actually ? now uses Try trait which gives more possibilites because it might apply to types other than Option and Result that have similar monadic semantics.

From and Into Note

While From and Into exist together initially for historical reasons and now are kept together for backward compatibility there is advantage to having them both coexisting. Both of them together provide good ergonomics and one can be better utilized over another depending on circumstances.

fn(impl Into<Foo>)
fn<T>(T) where Foo: From<T>


We can use enum types for errors for which different conditions that set them off might be useful to the user. For cases other that that using type-erasure and opaque types provide better ergonomics and can be definitely useful.

Creating error types that work well with rust ecosystem involves implementing Error (with source if possible) + Display + Debug + Sync + Send + 'static if possible.

Don't confuse Result<T, ()> with Option<T>. They convey different meaning.

Next chapter - Project structure

Previous chapter - Designing Interfaces in Rust