Krzysztof Hrynczenko's Dev Diary

My little place where I write about things that interest me.

Rust for Rustaceans #3: Designing Interfaces in Rust

Posted on August 24, 2022

Designing interfaces in Rust

This is my summary of the 3rd chapter of "Rust for Rustaceans" by Jon Gjengest. In this chapter Jon explains how to make API in Rust as pleasant and idiomatic as possible. Under pleasant and idiomatic lie a couple of characterstics namely:

  • unsurprising,
  • flexible,
  • obvious,
  • and constrained.

Together with Jon we will dive into each of them in more details.


Unsurprising is what Jon calls an API that adheres to the Principle of Least Surprise. In essence it means that the API should be intuitive and its user should be able to use it without dwelving into implementations details.

Naming Practices

When it comes to things that ought to behave the same, their names should indicate that and vice versa.

How does the unsurprising API look like? Rust example (and the one from) the books is that if iter method on Vec returns Iterator where Item=&T then it would be intuitive that same named methods but in different collection types should behave exactly the same and this mean runtime and type behavior.

Even though type signatures can be the same (and that is good because they will be assumeed to be by the user), their runtime behavior could be different so it is important to make sure it is also the same.

impl Vec<T> {
    pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T>;

impl<T> [T]
    pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T>;

Where both Iter<'_, T> types that are returned from iter implement Iterator<Item=&T>.

So in essence naming is important and should be consistent when similar behavior (both runtime and type-level) is expected.

Common Traits For Types

In another section Jon suggests to implement common traits that users will expect anyway. This is important because the user of our API cannot implement standard traits for our types due to the orphan rule (mentioned in the previous chapter, both the trait and the type are foreign to the client code). They would need to wrap our type (newtype-pattern), which while feasible is annoying at least.

What are these traits? They are:

  • Debug,
  • Sync + Send (users expect types to work in Mutex's and Arcs),
  • Default,
  • PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash,
  • and finally serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize.

Ergonomic Trait Implementations

Implement traits also for reference types of your type! In essence if you have the following.

impl<T> SomeTrait for T;

Provide also the following.

impl<T> SomeTrait &T;
impl<T> SomeTrait for &mut T;
impl<T> SomeTrait for Box<T>;

Wrapper types

Wrapper types are the candidates for implementing AsRef<InnerType>, Deref<InnerType>, and Into<InnerType>. This makes working with such types much smoother as Deref makes it easier to use methods from the inner type, AsRef lets you use &WrapperType value where &InnerType is expected, and finaly Into lets you simply convert between the two.

Similar thing could be said for Borrow. Borrow is very similar to the AsRef trait but it provides additional requirement that additional traits must be behaving the same for both the borrowed type and the owner type.

In particular Eq, Ord and Hash must be equivalent for borrowed and owned values: x.borrow() == y.borrow() should give the same result as x == y.


This section talks about how to maintain a good contracts throughout your API without involving unnecessary restrictions. It is important because lessening restrictions and expanding promises that not usually require to break the API.

For example:

fn frobnicate1(s: String) -> String;
fn frobnicate2(s: &str) -> Cow<'_, String>;
fn frobnicate3(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> impl AsRef<Str>;

Function one requires us to break the API if we would like to change our promise by for example returning a slice instead of allocated String. The same goes for the argument.

Functions two lifts some of the restrictions but still if we would like to change the types we would need to break API.

The third function finally uses actual traits which means we could switch underlying returned types and also the client can use different argument types.

While the third one seems to be the best it all still depends on the requirements. If inside the function you need in the end to have an allocated buffer, the it is probably better to use String for the argument type anyway to avoid unnecessary allocation.

Generic Arguments

So should we use only generic parameters in our APIs. Reading API that involves a lot of generics can be at best a little obscuring, then intidating and at worst impossible to understand for non-experts (like me).

Jon suggests that you should use generic in you API if you can think of many different types that could be used as an argument. If you cannot think of any, don't bother I guess.

Object Safety

In general it should be worthwhile effort to sacrafice some egonomic if this will allow your trait to be Object Safe. I will write more on that in some other post.

Borrowed vs. Owned

This sections is rather obvious. When you need owned data, use owning types for parameters, i.e., make callers provide owned data. Otherwise use references.

Fallible and Blocking Desctructors

Okay this is some crazy stuff that I don't even want to mess with right now. I will expand this later probably.


Make your interfaces as easy as possible to understand and as hard as possible to misues. You can help with first by providing good documentation and with second by taking advantage of the type-system.


  1. Clearly document any cases where your code may do something unexpected.
    • relying on some outside state,
    • possibility of panicking,
    • etc.
  2. Include e2e usage examples. It is even more important that regular function and type examples because it shows how everything fits together.
  3. Organize the documentation by taking advantage of good modularization through modules. Use intra-documentation links, external links, etc.
  4. Explain concepts, data structures, and algorithms.

Types System Guidance

  1. Use Semantic-Typing (basically simple types, i.e., types that wrap primitives and probably constrain their domain).
  2. Use enums instead of bools, so arguments order cannot be mistaken and arguments don't neet to be assigned to names to know what is going on.
  3. Use state machines (you can use std::marker::PhantomData to simulate).
  4. Use #[must_use].


Be ware of some less obvious changes to your API that might be breaking backward comaptibility.

Type Modification

Use pub(crate) and pub(in path) modifiers whenever possible!


pub struct UNIT { pub field: bool };

fn is_true(u: lib::Unit) -> bool {
    matches!(u, Unit { field: true });

// if we add private field now the pattern match will fail
pub struct UNIT { pub field: bool, x: bool };

fn is_true(u: lib::Unit) -> bool {
    matches!(u, Unit { field: true });

You can disallow use of implicit constructors by using #[non_exhaustive] which mitigates these problems.

Trait Implementations

In general be careful with adding trait implementations for existing types if the trait or type is foreign. You sohuld either add them immediatly when the library is in its infancy. If you are doing it later you may break code of some people.

Most changes to the existing traits are also breaking changes. be careful.

Hidden Contracts

Re-exporting foreing types ties you library with foreign library. If someone uses bot your API and that foreign API if there is a mismatch between the one use by you and directly by them you will have problems. The best way to avoid that is by wrapping such types and only then exporting them.

Next chapter - Error Handling